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Booking Conditions


The following Booking Conditions, together with our privacy policy and, where your day trip or holiday is booked via our website, our website terms and conditions of use, together with any other written information we brought to your attention before we confirmed your booking, govern your booking with Ready Tours Limited, a company registered in England with company number: 11695362 and a registered office address of 4 Riverview Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom, GU1 4UX ("we,” "us,” and “our”).


Please read them carefully, as they set out our respective rights and obligations. References to "you" and "your" in these Booking Conditions mean all persons named on the booking (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date) or any of them.


References to “Travel Arrangement(s)” in these Booking Conditions refer to the accommodation, transport, and other services we feature on our website and in our brochure.


References to “supplier/principal” mean the third party that is responsible for supplying the travel arrangements to you, including but not limited to accommodation providers, transport providers, and attractions.


By making a booking, the first named person on the booking agrees on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking that he or she:

  • has read these booking conditions, has the authority to and does agree to be bound by them;

  • consents to our use of personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and is authorised on behalf of all persons named on the booking to disclose their personal details to us, including, where applicable, special categories of data (such as information on health conditions or disabilities and dietary requirements);

  • is over 18 years of age and resident in the United Kingdom and where placing an order for services with age restrictions declares that he or she and all members of the party are of the appropriate age to purchase those services;

  • accepts financial responsibility for payment of the booking on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking.

  • the booking information that you provide to us will be passed on only to the relevant supplier of your travel arrangements or other persons necessary for the provision of your travel arrangements. The information may be provided to public authorities, such as customs or immigration, if required by them or as required by law. This applies to any special category (sensitive) information that you give us, such as details of any disabilities or dietary and religious requirements. In making this booking, you consent to this information being passed on to the relevant persons.


Please note: We act as an agent or subagent of Ready Tours Limited in relation to all bookings made with us.


Your Contract: When making your booking, we will arrange for you to enter into a contract with Ready Tours Limited, as specified on your confirmation invoice. We always act as Ready Tours Limited agents when arranging and booking day trips and holidays. Your booking with us is subject to these booking conditions.


All bookings are subject to availability at the time of booking. We do not guarantee that any of the day trips or holidays we advertise will still be available at the time of booking. We will inform you as soon as possible after placing an order if, for any reason, the travel arrangements you have sought to book with us are not available.


By clicking to book and entering your personal and payment details on our website or by providing your personal and payment details to our team over the telephone, you are requesting us to make a booking with Ready Tours Limited.


Your booking is confirmed and a contract between you and Ready Tours Limited will exist when we send you a booking confirmation with a booking reference number. As an agent, we accept no responsibility for the acts or omissions of Ready Tours Limited.


Single Occupancy: Single occupancy of rooms when available may be subject to a supplementary charge and this will be shown on the brochure page or advised at the time of booking. If you are charged a Single Room Supplement (SRS) it does not mean that your single room is of better quality or larger in size than any other single room.


Coach Seating: Requests to book particular seats can be made on most day trips and holidays at the time of booking. Allocations are made on a first-come, first-served basis; therefore, you are advised to book early. If requested, we will inform customers of the seats available at the time of booking.


It is possible for operational reasons that we will require a coach with a different configuration or, in the case of tours with low passenger numbers, allocate a different size coach. We, therefore, reserve the right to alter a coach seating plan and allocate seats other than those you have booked. We cannot guarantee that your seats will remain the same as stated on your initial invoice. However, we will endeavour to keep you in the same seat position on the coach.


Payment: You are required to make full payment at the time of booking in the following circumstances:

  • when you make a day trip booking

  • when you make any booking within 56 days of your departure date

  • For all holiday bookings, you are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of £50.00 per person at the time of booking. The outstanding balance for your holiday bookings is required in full no less than 56 days before the date of travel


Cash and Cheque Payments: We do not accept payment by cash or cheque.


Refunds: If you are entitled to a refund under these booking conditions, the refunded amount will be credited back to the debit or credit card that you used for the original payment. If the card has expired or been cancelled and the refund is unsuccessful, please get in touch with our office.


Pricing and Errors: We endeavour to ensure that all the information and prices both on our website and in any advertising material that we publish are accurate; however, occasionally changes and errors occur and we reserve the right to correct advertised prices and other details in such circumstances at any time prior to confirmation. You must check the price and all other details relating to your chosen travel arrangements at the time of booking. Where the travel arrangements or price have been listed incorrectly and the booking has already been confirmed, we reserve the right to cancel the booking and refund all monies paid to you.


Insurance and Health Cover: While not mandatory for holidays in the UK, it is highly advisable to get insurance coverage. For trips to other countries, having insurance is imperative. Authorised and regulated insurance providers offer a wide range of coverage options.


To benefit from reciprocal healthcare agreements within the European Union, you can apply for a free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) either online or by obtaining a form from the Post Office. With an EHIC card, you gain access to reduced-cost medical treatment and may be able to recover some of your medical expenses. It's important to note that if you decide to travel without adequate insurance, we won't be responsible for any losses that insurance would have otherwise covered.


Special Requests: Please inform us of any specific requirements you may have at the time of booking, such as dietary preferences, desired room location, or any particular facilities you may need at the hotel. While we recommend sending a written confirmation of your requests, please note that we cannot guarantee their fulfilment. Please be aware that the inclusion of your special request in your confirmation invoice or other documents, as well as its communication to the supplier, does not serve as a confirmation of its fulfilment.


Passengers with Disabilities: We gladly accept lightweight wheelchairs for travel, provided they can be easily folded and stored in the luggage compartment of the coach. It is imperative that you inform us during the booking process if you will be bringing a folding wheelchair on the trip. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to accommodate your additional belongings. Please note that certain attractions and holidays may not be accessible for individuals with disabilities or passengers with mobility issues.


There is very limited space on the coach for electric scooters and wheelchairs. Please inform us at the time of booking and we will advise you if we or your chosen hotel are able to accommodate your electric scooters and wheelchairs.


Warner Terms and Conditions for Electric Scooters and Wheelchairs can be found online


Our coaches do not have any special fittings or lifts; therefore, we do ask that you are able to board and disembark our coaches safely and unaided. For your information, our drivers are not insured to physically assist passengers on and off any of our vehicles; this includes any size vehicle that is used for our tours and feeder service. You accept any assistance from the driver at your own risk.


Customers who use nebulisers can take a small handheld (or personal) oxygen cylinder on the coach but for those who need large oxygen cylinders, you must arrange for them to be sent directly to the hotel. We cannot carry large cylinders in the lockers or luggage areas for UK or European tours.


If a passenger requires personal assistance (for example, assistance with feeding, dressing, toileting, or mobilising), then this passenger must travel with an able-bodied companion or carer, and written confirmation that such assistance will be provided for the entirety of the holiday is required at the time of booking. Coach Drivers and Tour Managers are unable to provide such assistance.


Changes and Cancellations By You: It is highly recommended that you acquire insurance in case of cancellation.


You or any member of your group have the freedom to cancel or amend your holiday at any time. Any cancellation or amendment request must be submitted in writing. Your cancellation will be effective from the date we receive the written request. Please ensure that you have received written confirmation of any requested changes to your booking prior to travel. While we will try to assist, we cannot guarantee that such requests will be met. Amendments and cancellations can only be accepted in accordance with the terms and conditions.


If you are prevented from travelling for any reason, you can transfer your booking to another person as long as we are given adequate notice (2 days notice for a day trip, 14 days notice for a holiday). No charge is made for this service.


Please note that reducing room occupancy may result in additional charges for the remaining passengers due to low room occupancy supplements.


Holidays: Prior to the stated outstanding balance due date, the cancellation charge is the deposit only; any cancellations after the outstanding balance has been paid will be liable for 100% cancellation charges.


Cancellation charges will be levied as follows:

Period before departure within which cancellation is received in writing


Cancellation charges

57 days or more before travel

Deposit only

43–56 days before travel


29-42 days before travel


15-28 days before travel


14 days or less



Cutting your holiday short: If you are forced to return home early, we cannot refund the cost of any services you have not used. If you cut short your holiday and return home early in circumstances where you have no reasonable cause for complaint about the standard of accommodation and services provided, we will not offer you any refund for that part of your holiday not completed or be liable for any associated costs you may incur. If you have taken out travel insurance, depending on the circumstances, your travel insurance may offer cover for curtailment, and we suggest that any claim be made directly with them.


Changes and Cancellations by Us or the Supplier: Occasionally, adjustments to confirmed holiday bookings may become necessary, and we retain the authority to do so in accordance with this provision. The majority of changes will be minor, and we possess the discretion to make them. When minor modifications occur prior to departure, written notification will be provided. Please note that no compensation will be payable for such insignificant alterations.


Sometimes, prior to departure, external circumstances may restrict us from making important changes to the key features of the travel services included in your confirmed booking or to any special requests that we have agreed to accommodate.


Our holidays require a minimum number of bookings to enable us to operate them and we reserve the right to cancel any holiday where this minimum number is not achieved. The minimum number applicable to any particular holiday depends on a number of factors. Failure to achieve the applicable minimum number does not, however, oblige us to cancel. We will notify you of cancellations for this reason as soon as possible for a day trip or within 28 days of the departure date for a holiday. In this unlikely event, a full refund will be given.


Single Bookings: It may occasionally be necessary for us to reallocate seat numbers for passengers travelling alone.


Breakdowns or Delays: The company gives its advice on journey times in good faith but does not guarantee the completion of any journey at a specific time and will not be liable for loss or inconvenience caused by breakdown or other delay (e.g., traffic or weather conditions). We cannot be held responsible for any delays in your journey where other suppliers are operating that particular part of the journey (e.g., a shuttle or ferry).


However, we shall, of course, try to make up for any time lost. In the event of a delay, you will be responsible for your own meals and accommodation. We reserve the right, in our absolute discretion, to vary routes and carriers (e.g., shuttle or ferry) as we deem necessary.

Ready Tours shall not be held liable for any losses or additional expenses incurred due to a delay or cancellation of a coach trip or holiday and refunds for a cancellation by us will not exceed the amount paid by the customer for the booking. Additionally not covered are a customer's consequential losses.


Surcharges: There may be instances where increases in charges are dictated by means beyond our control (e.g., government taxes). We shall endeavour to absorb these increases but reserve the right to pass them on to you no later than 6 weeks prior to travel. At this point, you will have the option to cancel and receive a full refund.


Should you have a complaint about any aspect of your trip or holiday, you must notify one of the coach crew or one of our representatives, together with the supplier of the services in question, immediately so that the problem can be quickly resolved during your holiday.


If the matter cannot be resolved to your satisfaction immediately, please reach out to our office using the contact information provided on your travel documents and include the details of your complaint.


Failing to report problems promptly could affect the validity of any claims upon your return.


Our Responsibility to You: We undertake to provide all services as described and advertised for our day trips and holidays online and in our brochure. In the event that any of these services are not provided as stated and if you are unsatisfied with the alternatives offered, kindly get in touch with us within 28 days of your trip or the last day of your holiday to present your case.


Force Majeure: If an event that we or the service provider in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid affects our contractual obligations to you, we will not be liable or pay you compensation unless expressly stated otherwise in these conditions.

These events can include, but are not limited to, war, the threat of such activity, riots, the acts of any government or other national or local authority,disputes including port or river authorities, industrial disputes, lock closures, natural or nuclear disasters, fire, chemical or biological disasters, adverse weather, sea and river conditions and all similar events outside our control or the control of the supplier concerned. Advice from the Foreign Office to avoid or leave a particular country may constitute Force Majeure.


Passport, Visa and Customs Requirements: It is your responsibility to ensure you have a valid 10-year passport and any visa requirements that pertain to your journey. The Carriers Liability Act means we are not allowed to carry anyone who does not have the necessary documentation.


Please make sure a label with your name is attached to any bags or trolleys used for your shopping. Tobacco, etc., should only be purchased for your own use. Persons found to be carrying more than the customs allowance risk having goods confiscated and being refused return travel. The return will be at the expense and arrangement of the aforementioned person. Future bookings will be refused.


Your Behaviour: It is illegal to smoke in any company vehicle, and the consumption of alcohol is not permitted while on board. Drunken behaviour is deemed unreasonable conduct. All passengers must treat the driver and other passengers with respect and consideration. The driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers and vehicle. Any passenger whose conduct is in breach of statutory regulations may be removed from the driver’s authority, and any such person will be held responsible for any damage caused to the vehicle or any costs incurred due to extra cleaning requirements deemed necessary, caused by unreasonable conduct. Unreasonable conduct will result in future bookings being refused.


Passengers’ Property

Unless previously agreed with the company, the driver has discretion in the carriage of passengers’ luggage and its storage. The company will not accept liability for any damage to or loss of any property that belongs to any passenger and is left in a vehicle. All articles of lost property recovered from a vehicle will be held at our office, for which the owner, upon recovery, must pay a statutory payment. Fireworks, explosive materials or combustible petroleum fuels must not be carried under any circumstances. Anyone found to have such items will be refused carriage.


Our Vehicles

Notices:No bill, poster, sign, or notice is to be displayed on any vehicle without the written consent of the company.


Refreshments: The consumption of hot food or alcohol is not permitted on board. Small, packed lunches and small items of confectionery (such as sweets and chocolate) may be consumed on the vehicle, provided they do not have a strong odour.


Weight Restrictions for shopping trips: 3 cases of beer or wine per person is the limit on shopping trips, unless otherwise stated by the driver. Amounts over this limit may have to be left behind if this causes overloading.


Law and Jurisdiction: These booking conditions are governed by English law, and we both agree that the courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute, claim or other matter that may arise between us (unless you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland, in which case you can bring proceedings in your local court under Scottish or Northern Irish law, as applicable).


Variations to these Terms and Conditions: These will only be valid if made in writing before the date of departure by a proper officer of the company. No employee, agent, servant or representative of this company has any authority to waive or vary these conditions, and any written or verbal representation thus made will not be valid.


GDPR Statement: We take data protection very seriously and we are committed to protecting your personal information. When requesting a brochure or booking a day trip or holiday, we require some of your personal information. Personal information is anything that enables you to be identified or identifiable, e.g., your name, postal address, email address and telephone number.


You have given us consent to use your personal data to contact you in the future regarding your bookings. We will not share your data with any other businesses unless it is directly linked to the booking you have placed with us, e.g., hotels, ferry companies, Eurotunnel, or attractions, and it is necessary for them to have details of who will be using their services.


If at any point you wish to see a copy of the data we hold on you, details of how we use and store your data, or receive further details regarding your rights, you can request this from us via phone or email.


Should you wish to make a booking but not receive future marketing information, any data collected will only be used in the completion and undertaking of any current or future bookings. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you would like any of the data we hold about you to be permanently deleted from our records, please advise accordingly by contacting us by email or by writing to us.

Providing us with a mobile telephone number is beneficial if the driver needs to contact you during the day.

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01342 719900

Wallage Lane, Rowfant, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4NF

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